Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Karwautz

Publikationen von 2018-2020




Fliedl R, Ecker B, Karwautz A:
Kinder- und jugendpsychiatrische Versorgung 2019 in Österreich – Stufen der Versorgung, Ist-Stand und Ausblick.

-Neuropsychiatrie 2020, 34: 179–188. doi:10.1007/s40211-020-00374-6


Egberts K, Reuter-Dang SY, Fekete S, Kulpok C, Mehler-Wex C, Wewetzer C, Karwautz A, Mitterer M, Holtkamp K, Boege I, Burger R,  Romanos M, Gerlach M, Taurines R:
Therapeutic drug monitoring of children and adolescents treated with aripiprazole – observational results from routine patient care.

-J Neural Transmission 2020, 127: 1663-1674.


Fernández-Aranda, F., Munguía, L., Mestre-Bach, G., Steward, T., Etxandi, M., Baenas, I. et al.,....: COVID Isolation Eating Scale (CIES): Analysis of the Impact of Confinement in Eating Disorders and Obesity -A Collaborative International Study.

- European Eating Disorders Review 2020.
DOI: 10.1002/erv.2784


Granero R, Treasure J, Claes L, Favaro A, Jiménez-Murcia S, Karwautz A, Grange DL, Tchanturia K, Fernández-Aranda F:
Null hypothesis significance tests, a misleading approach to scientific knowledge: Some implications for eating disorders research. 
Eur Eat Disord Rev. 2020 Sep;28(5):483-491.
                                   doi: 10.1002/erv.2782.


Truttmann S, Philipp J, Zeiler M, Franta C, Wittek T, Merl E, Schöfbeck G, Koubek D, Laczkovics C, Imgart H, Zanko A, Auer-Welsbach E, Treasure J, Karwautz AFK, Wagner G:
Long-term Effectiveness of the Workshop- vs. Online-SUCCEAT (Supporting Carers of Children and Adolescents with Eating Disorders) intervention: A quasi-randomised  feasibility trial.
Journal of Clinical Medicine 2020 Jun 18;9(6):E1912 —


Philipp J, Truttmann S, Zeiler M, Franta C, Wittek T, Schöfbeck G, Mitterer M, Mairhofer D, Zanko A, Imgart H, Auer-Welsbach E, Treasure J, Wagner G, Karwautz AFK:
Reduction of high expressed emotion and treatment outcome in anorexia nervosa – carers’ and adolescents’ perspective

- Journal of Clinical Medicine 2020 Jun 27;9(7):E2021 -doi:

Wagner G, Karwautz A:
Eating disorders in adolescents with Type 1 diabetes mellitus
- invited review in:
Current Opinion Psychiatry 2020, 33: 602-610.


Clemens V, Deschamps P, Fegert JM, Anagnostopoulos D, Bailey S, Doyle M, Eliez S, Hansen AS, Hebebrand J, Hillegers M, Jacobs B, Karwautz A, Kiss E, Kotsis K, Kumperscak HG, Pejovic-Milovancevic M, Christensen AMR, Raynaud JP, Westerinen H, Visnapuu-Bernadt P. Potential effects of "social" distancing measures and school lockdown on child and adolescent mental health.
Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2020 May 23:1–4.
       doi: 10.1007/s00787-020-01549-w.

Fernández-Aranda F, Casas M, Claes L, Bryan DC, Favaro A, Granero R, Gudiol C, Jiménez-Murcia S, Karwautz A, Le Grange D, Menchón JM,  Tchanturia K, Treasure J: COVID-19 and implications for eating disorders.

- Eur Eat Disord Rev. 2020 May;28(3):239-245.
       doi: 10.1002/erv.2738.

Bryois J, Skene NG, et al., Eating Disorders Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; International Headache Genetics Consortium; Breen G, Bulik CM, Arenas E, Hjerling-Leffler J, Sullivan PF: Genetic identification of cell types underlying brain complex traits yields insights into the etiology of Parkinson's disease.

- Nat Genet. 2020 May;52(5):482-493. doi:10.1038/s41588-020-0610-9.


Zeiler M, Peer S, Philipp J, Truttmann S, Wagner G, Karwautz A, Waldherr K: Web-based vs. paper-pencil assessment of behavioral problems using the Youth Self-


- European Journal of Psychological Assessment 2020       doi.org/10.1027/1015-5759/a000585


Munn-Chernoff AM, …et al.: Shared Genetic Risk between Eating Disorder and Substance Use-Related Phenotypes: Evidence from Genome-Wide Association Studies
Addiction Biology 2020 Feb 16;e12880.

        doi: 10.1111/adb.12880




Hübel C, …,Eating Disorders Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; …, Bulik CM, Breen G:
Genetic correlations of psychiatric traits with body composition and glycemic traits are sex- and age-dependent. 
Nat Commun. 2019 Dec 18;10(1):5765.
                     doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-13544-0.


Cross-Disorder Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium: Genomic Relationships, Novel Loci, and Pleiotropic Mechanisms across Eight Psychiatric Disorders.

-Cell. 2019 Dec 12;179(7):1469-1482.e11.
        doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.11.020.


Philipp J, Zeiler M, Wöber C, Wagner G, Karwautz AFK, Steiner TJ, Wöber-Bingöl Ç: Prevalence and burden of headache in children and adolescents in Austria – A nationwide study in a representative sample of pupils aged 10-18 years

- J Headache Pain. 2019 Nov 6;20(1):101.
           doi: 10.1186/s10194-019-1050-8.


Watson HJ, …. Karwautz A, Wagner G,…. Sullivan PF, Breen G, Bulik CM. Genome-wide association study identifies eight risk loci and implicates metabo-psychiatric origins for anorexia nervosa.

- Nat Genet. 2019 Jul 15. doi: 10.1038/s41588-019-0439-2.


Yao S, …. Eating Disorders Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Bulik CM, Larsson H. Associations Between Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Various Eating Disorders: A Swedish Nationwide Population Study Using Multiple Genetically Informative Approaches.
- Biol Psychiatry. 2019 Oct 15;86(8):577-586


Berger G, Waldhoer T, Barrientos I, Kunkel D, Rami-Merhar BM, Schober E, Karwautz A, Wagner G: Association of insulin-manipulation and psychiatric disorders: A systematic epidemiological evaluation of adolescents with type 1 diabetes in Austria.

- Pediatr Diabetes. 2019 Feb;20(1):127-136.




Fernandez-Aranda F, Karwautz A, Treasure J: Food addiction: A transdiagnostic construct of increasing interest.
Eur Eat Disord Rev. 2018 Nov;26(6):536-540.


Brainstorm Consortium. Analysis of shared heritability in common neurological and psychiatric disorders.
- Science. 2018 Jun 22;360(6395).


Sackl-Pammer P, Özlü-Erkilic Z, Jahn R, Karwautz A, Pollak E, Ohmann S, Akkaya-Kalayci T: Somatic complaints in Children and Adolescents with Social Anxiety Disorder.

- Neuropsychiatrie 2018 Sep 14. doi: 10.1007/s40211-018-0288-8.


Franta C, Philipp J, Waldherr K, Truttmann S, Merl E, Schöfbeck G, Koubek D, Laczkovics C, Imgart H, Zanko A, Zeiler M, Treasure J, Karwautz A, Wagner G: Supporting Carers of Children and Adolescents with Eating Disorders in Austria (SUCCEAT): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.

- Eur Eat Disord Rev 2018 Sep;26(5):447-461


Musiat P, Potterton R, Gordon G, Spencer L, Zeiler M, Waldherr K, Kuso S, Nitsch M, Adamcik T, Wagner G, Karwautz A, Ebert DD, Dodd A, Dooley B, Harrison A, Whitt E, Haselgrove M, Sharpe M, Smith J, Tressler R, Troop N, Vinyard C, Görlich D, Beecham J, Bonin E, Jacobi C, Schmidt U. Web-based indicated prevention of common mental disorders in university students in four European countries – Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.
Internet Intervent 2018 Mar 15;16:35-42.


Jones M, Banos Rivera M, Jacobi C, Botella C, Zeiler M, Kuso S, Wagner G, Etchemendy E, Herrero R, Oliver E, Karwautz A, Waldherr K, Nitsch M, Fonseca-Baeza S,  Goerlich D, Adamcik T. Healthy Teens @ School: Evaluating and disseminating transdiagnostic preventive interventions for eating disorders and obesity for adolescents in school settings
– Internet Intervent 2018 Feb 27;16:65-75.


Zeiler M, Wagner G, Philipp J, Nitsch M, Truttmann S, Dür W, Karwautz A, Waldherr K: The Mental Health in Austrian Teenagers Study (MHAT): design, methodology, description of study population.
- Neuropsychiatrie 2018 Sep;32(3):121-132


Philipp J, Zeiler M, Waldherr K, Truttmann S, Wagner G, Dür W, Karwautz A: Prevalence of emotional and behavioral problems and subthreshold psychiatric disorders in Austrian adolescents and the need for targeted prevention.
– Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2018 Dec;53(12):1325-1337